Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Who is Dan?

I started writing code in 7th grade (Jr. High School or Middle School) in 1973.  Yes, that makes me really old.  I took to writing code like a fish to water -- I loved it and couldn't get enough time making things.  I primarily made games for fun, and utilities to help myself.  I remember writing a little program that helped me learn my spelling words.  This was in the day of a teletype, no monitor.

I have programmed professionally in the following languages and computers:
Data General - ASM
IBM PC - ASM, C++, Java
Macintosh - ASM
Amiga - ASM
Nintendo GameCube - C++
Dreamcast - C++
PlayStation - C
PlayStation 2 - C++
XBox - C++
Web - JavaScript
Web Servers - PHP, Java, Node.js
iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) - Objective C

I have programmed for fun (without making any money) on the following:
HP programmable calculator (moon lander)
TRS-80 - Basic, ASM, Fortran
Atari 800 - ASM
Apple ][ - ASM

I love to learn about programming -- new languages, new concepts, old concepts.  Writing down things I have discovered and used helps me remember, and hopefully helps others.

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